Why Insurance Businesses Should Hire Remote Assistants

Remote staffing has become essential for many businesses worldwide. Finding team members outside your local market has been on the rise ever since the emergence of video calls, digital communication platforms, and so on. However, businesses saw the largest adoption of work-from-home and remote work policies in 2020 during the COVID-19 outbreak. In 2020, a global survey by Gartner showed 88% organizations of had encouraged or organized a remote working policy. Interestingly, post COVID, the world has never fully gone back to in-office work requirements. Why is that? The business world finally saw something we at Agency VA understood long before COVID, and had also developed months prior – remote staffing is the key to business success, which is especially true for those in the insurance business.

Here are just some of the advantages to hiring remote assistants & team members:

Remote Workers & Assistants Save Your Insurance Business Money

Consider these variables when calculating the value of building an in-house team vs leveraging remote employees:

  • Reduced office space needs
  • Lower equipment expenses
  • Often hourly pay vs salary – allowing payments for work completed & decrease of overall wage waste

Remote Workers & Assistants Drive Efficiency

Without the distractions of drive time, office politics, and general day-to-day office hiccups, you can see much higher productivity with a remote worker, and at a more manageable pay rate.

Another improved aspect you’ll see within your daily operations is better communication and organization. When working with a company like us at Agency VA you’re given access to state of the art performance tracking and management software, which will allow you to optimize your insurance business’s output like never before.

Hire Better Talent At A Better Price

Finding local talent can be hard. Finding local talent willing to work for a wage you can afford can be even harder. By staffing your team with remote workers & assistants you’re able to choose from a bigger pool of talent, and hire individuals with a lower cost of living, while still greatly benefiting them from an economic standpoint. This is something at Agency VA we’re passionate about – both sides can, and should, benefit from employment.

Another aspect of hiring from a global pool of candidates, you should consider, is the speed to labor resolution you can enjoy. If your business has a need – it has a need! Missing phone calls & messages, getting behind in your administrative tasks, and simply wearing too many hats in the insurance business will immediately eat away at your bottomline. However, when willing to hire remote – you can more quickly resolve your staffing issues, and stay ahead of an eventual decrease in revenue.

One more thing to consider about hiring remotely is the fact that your business can now have a global mindset, education, and understanding. Not only can you now hire someone who may be able to reach an untouched demographic for your business, but you will gain incredible insight into your local economy and approach when you’re able to view it from a global outlook.

Agency VAs Remote Virtual Assistants & Management Software

Are you wondering how remote staffing can impact your insurance business from day-to-day management, to overall growth, and budget optimization? Contact us today and schedule a free demo!

Want to continue reading about the benefits of working with our remote virtual assistants? Read our article The Benefits Of Hiring A Virtual Insurance Assistant now!

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